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One major source page load fails is too many third party ads or objects. Do not put too many third party ads on your pages. It does not work and Google filters ads that a device cannot load. This minimal page saves you time and increases earnings with multitasking of online rewards claims so you get the most of your online time.
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This will depend on your device, location, browser preference and security requirements. If you have a computer, Exodus is a good start. If you are phone based, TrustWallet or Crypto is where to start. Web browser wallets are stored in your operating system user directory so it matters which browser you use and which log in account you are in.
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Please open and login to at least one task site. Complete easy and quick to claim pay to click or pay to view video(s). If there is a short uurvey, get that out of the way. If your computer memory and resources permit add other rewards sites. If memory starts to run out, close a page. If you have a phone, you could be doing rewards programs as well. Don't forget about shopping rewards where you use coupons and points programs to save when you buy online or at your stores.
Load and login to Freebitcoin. Complete your first spin. This one lets you choose your preferred Captcha puzzle type to solve. Pin the tab and then keep that aside. There are other games like lottery and hi/lo. Do a daily link share on crypto friendly pages and forums to get some referrals. It earns 4% interest on your Bitcoin balance so it is worth long term storage of your Bitcoin on that platform. Freebitcoin is one of the oldest and still standing Bitcoin faucets that has survived a decade online. Most are gone because Google banned advertising on faucet websites. It used to be you could get lots of cryptocurrency for free in the early days of the industry with these types of sites. Main source of income was website advertising.
This page loads quickly with only third party Anonymous Ads with minimal content to keep it light. You may purchase an ad in the available spaces in the footer. Ads are clearly marked so there is no confusion. Of course if you see an offer that interests you, you are most welcome to visit.
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